Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A-Z Tag

Stef and Mandi have both tagged me to do this, so I guess I better!

A: ATTACHED OR SINGLE - Attached, Mike and I have been married now for 8 years!
B: BEST FRIEND - Mike, I am so lucky to have him.
C: CAKE OR PIE - Absolutely cake! Especially chocolate.
D: DAY OF CHOICE - Saturday, always nice to have Mike home.
E: ESSENTIAL ITEM - My calendar or schedule! I write everything down and I would be lost without it!
F: FAVORITE COLOR - Changes daily, probably green today. We are trying to pick a color to paint our bedroom. Any suggestions?
G: GREATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT - Having my children, I love being a mom. Also, getting my Bachelors degree in Nursing.
H: HOMETOWN - Bountiful; I am still here and I love it!
I: INDULGENCES - Sleep is an indulgence I cannot have. I am constantly craving to sleep a full night, or to sleep in!
J: JANUARY OR JULY - January, Savannah's B-Day is on the 2nd. She was the New Year baby at Lakeview! Funny huh?
K: KIDS - 3. Emily, Brett and Savannah
L: LIFE IS INCOMPLETE WITHOUT - My husband and kids........and chocolate.
M: MARRIAGE DATE - May 20, 2000
N: NUMBER OF SIBLINGS - I am the oldest of 4 girls! Can we say drama?
P: PHOBIAS OR FEARS - Losing my family, any one of them.
Q: QUOTES - "Whether you think you can or can't; your right" It was the first one that popped into my head.
R: REASON TO SMILE - Hearing Savannah laugh, she has been doing it a lot lately.
S: SEASON - Fall; I love the cooler weather and all the gorgeous leaves!
T: TAG THREE FRIENDS - Mom, Bobbi, and Mikala - have fun!
U: UNKNOWN FACT - I get really ornery and impatient if I haven't eaten for awhile, just ask Mike!
V: VERY FAVORITE STORE - Barnes and Noble. Prior to having kids, I would go there and look at books for hours. It would be a bit difficult with 3 now; we do the library instead!
W: WORST HABIT - Worst habit? Me? I am perfect, J/K. Probably the fact that I worry and stress about things that are out of my control.
X: X-RAY OR ULTRASOUND - Ultrasound. Having three kids this is priceless. We didn't find out that Savannah was a girl until she was born, that was fun!
Y: YOUR FAVORITE FOOD - chocolate; or if i have to pick a real food it would be BBQ Pork chops and baked potatoes.
Z: ZODIAC - Sagittarius....I think!


Delahunty Family said...

How funny!I get really cranky too when I haven't eaten for a long time, weird maybe it's in our blood!

Dusty And Mandi said...

I love reading surveys about people! It's fun to learn new things.

Camille said...

Fun to see your comment, and your cute family on your blog. Your oldest looks just like I remember you looking when we were little.