Thursday, July 10, 2008

Memory Lane

Jenny and Mandi had this on their blogs, and I thought it might be fun! I hope you will play along, here are the directions.

1. As a comment on my blog leave a memory that you have of me. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you!

3. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory of me, I'll visit your blog and leave a memory I have of you!


Anonymous said...

There are so many to choose from! Let's see, I would have to say one of my favorite memories of you would have to be when we were little on Christmas Eve. Stef and Mandi would sleep all night every year, I don't know how they did it, because me and you never could. I remember we would stay up late, sleep for a couple hours, then get up and talk until mom and dad said we could get up. I remember being so excited and both me and you had weak stomaches and would start to feel sick, so you would always pull out spearament gum to settle them! I loved our "talks" we would always have! You were and still are such a great big sister. Thanks for always being there for me and listening to all my "drama"! Love ya!

Delahunty Family said...

I remember playing LIFE (not the board game our own made up life, kind of like playing house)with you, you were the leader in all of our games, we would go along with whatever you said, I remember being so sad when you decided you were to old to play LIFE any more and we all stopped playing, we just couldn't do it without you!We would also pretend that we were the actors in all the Disney movies and TV shows, you would always be the cute one Jenny would be the nerdy one and I would be the fat one, when I got The Little Mermaid for Christmas I got to be her cause it was my movie, but you wanted to be her too especially when she sang part of your world, you convinced me that on the day they filmed Arial singing that song I was sick and couldn't sing so you had to take over for that part, how funny is that! I always had fun playing with you!

carolee said...

What a fun idea! I think my first memory of you is meeting you at church. I remember thinking how pretty you are. Now that I know you even better, I know what a kind heart you have and what a good friend you are!!

Dusty And Mandi said...

Well... I remember the night you were going on your first date with Mike and you told us how tall he was; and we were trying to figure out how tall he was with a measuring tape and then teasing you about how short you are. I never thought you two would end up married with three beautiful children! I don't know why; but thinking about that always makes me laugh! I love you! You're an awesome sister.

brilin said...

I've loved thinking about my memories of you. First you made me a mother, the role I love best in my life. You were always the mom pleaser, you made having a child so easy. You and I have shared a kindred spirit since the beginning and I remember dreaming before I was even married of a dark haired dark eyed child that encouraged me through a hard time in my life. I somehow knew it was my future daughter. Dad and I picked your name, Jody, when we were first dating and we were both sure you would be our first child. Since then so many memories. One favorite is when we were camping and you had taken your nursing boards, you walked to a tall hill in the campground, used Jenny's cell phone and found out you passed. We could hear your exicted scream throught the campground.
You're an amazing person. I love you!

bobbi said...

I had to think about this one with you. But it was pretty funny now looking back on it when that one crazy patients mom tried to throw the wheelchair leg at you and get you to smell the pee on the wheelchair cusion!! Especially since you are by far the nicest, sweetest nurse I have ever met!! Ok that was pretty horrible espicially since you were just barely pregnant!! And we tried to hide you out so when the cops came and escorted her out she wouldn't see you! Ahhh...isn't work great?!