Monday, August 25, 2008

Emma's first day of Kindergarten

Emma started Kindergarten today! I can't believe my little girl is old enough to go to school! She has been so excited to go, counting down the days since the beginning of summer! Today, I got her dressed in her new outfit that Grandma bought her, and the new shoes Daddy picked out. She was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement. Thank goodness she has morning kindergarten. I think it would have killed her to wait for the afternoon! We took pictures outside and she had fun doing a million different poses in her new "big girl school clothes". We walked to school and as soon as it was in sight she said, "Bye mom!" I told her I was going to walk her up to the flag ceremony and then she could see her teacher. She was so excited when the ceremony was over and started to go giving me a quick kiss. Brett yelled, "Emma!" as soon as she ran off and she came back and gave him a kiss. Then she ran right up to the front of the line to follow her teacher to class. I didn't think I would cry, but I did a bit walking home thinking of how fast she has grown up. Time really does speed by and now my little girl is starting school! I saw Mamma Mia a few weeks ago and loved this song, it definitely describes how I am feeling today!
I got this idea from a friend to ask questions every year at the beginning of school.
How old are you? five, I will be six October 2nd!
What is your favorite color? Pink, of course
What is your favorite sport? Seeing the Go Utes play basketball with Daddy!
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Ride on my scooter and swing at the park
What are you excited to learn at school? Write more words
What is your favorite food? Just say everything K mom? Because I love almost everything
What is your least favorite food? The rice you made - the one with yucky things in it
What is your favorite animal? Elephants, giraffes, everything at the zoo!
What do you like to do at home? Help mom, play with Brett and make Savannah laugh
What is your favorite book? I like all my books
What is your favorite place to go? The place with all the rides (Lagoon) Except the scary boat ride (Tidal Wave).
What is your favorite thing to say? I love my family
What do you want to do when you grow up? Play the ball game (volleyball) like on the TV (Olympics)


carolee said...

Emily looks so cute in her school clothes. I hope she had a good day at school!

Berry said...

Emily looks so excited to go to school. She looks so pretty. I can't believe that she is in Kindergarten. She's not my daughter, but I'm still a little misty thinking about how you and Mike must feel. What a major event for her. I can't believe she's turning six!!

brilin said...

Wow, I can't believe this day has come so fast. It seems like yesterday I was sending you off to school, and you never looked back either. I hope Emma will love school as much as you always did. I'm excited for her to begin this adventure in life.
Love Mom and Dad

bobbi said...

WOW, doesn't it make you feel old now? I don't feel like I am a young mom anymore, now I am going to need to come up with show and tell items, and make personalized posters!

Amanda fair said...

She looks so cute! I can't wait for that day!

Dusty And Mandi said...

Aww; she looks so pretty! I can't believe she's old enough to go to school. Kids do grow way too fast. I love the survey idea! I'll have to remember that one in four years.

Anonymous said...

she is so stinkin' cute, with all her poses! LOL. Love her! I also love the song, that is so good!!
And you know I'm going to steal that idea about asking those questions every year! :)

bottspot said...

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow up?! Emily looks sooooo cute in her school clothes!! Congrats on having a kid in school now! It's amazing how much of a difference a few hours with one less kid makes. Not that we don't love em, but it's nice to have a little less chaos for a few hours.

NeelsluvsU2! said...

And before I know it, she'll be dating and saying "like" and "totally" and she'll be embarrassed by me when I embarras her dates. If you're a parent, listen to "Let Them Be Little" by Lonestar! Mike