Monday, December 21, 2009


We had the Frenette family Christmas party last week, and of course the highlight of the day was seeing Santa!
Emily was so excited to see him, quickly told him she had been a good girl and wants Disney's Princess and the Frog DVD. She didn't quite understand when I told her it wasn't on DVD yet.
Brett on his best behavior. When Santa asked if he had been good he didn't miss a beat before saying, "Yep!" Although his mom might beg to differ, I know that he tries. He asked for a "Life Saver". Luckily Santa understands 4 year old lingo and said, "Oh, a Light Saber?"

Savannah was really excited to see Santa, that is until he called her name. I think she was just hoping she could slide right off his lap, and run back to safety! She was really excited to get a present though, and told him "thank you" when he had left. It was such a fun party, I loved seeing all of my cousins and their kids. Wow, only a few more days until Christmas!


Anonymous said...

your kids were so cute with santa! so funny that brett asked for a life saver! lol!

Berry said...

Awesome pictures. I'm glad that you had a nice time at the party. I can't believe that Christmas is so close. That Santa looks like a good one! Your kids are adorable.

Lisa Sanderson said...

As you well know my children are perfect and do everything they should (like paint each other with peanut butter and draw on the walls) so I never worry about Santa coming to our house! I love your pictures looks like a super fun Christmas Party.

Foust Family said...

How fun! That Santa looks like the real thing! I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!