Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby number 4 is.......

A Boy! We are so excited! We started out this pregnancy not wanting to find out what the sex was. We didn't know with Savannah and it was so much fun and exciting to find out at the birth. But, we couldn't wait. For one thing, Brett really wants a brother and we thought it would be good to prepare him for a sister if it was a girl. Anytime you find out is fun and we look forward to meeting our new little guy in July.

We told the kids what their new sibling was going to be by getting some yummy Cutlers cookies with "It's a Boy!" written on them. Mike told them to close their eyes, handed them a cookie and then said, "open!" Right away they both yelled "A Boy!" The blue color must have tipped them off. Brett was so excited and Em was a bit disappointed initially. She wanted another sister. That way, the girls would win in our family. 4 girls to 2 boys, now it would be tied. She is so competitive!

Savannah had no idea what to make of it but refused to pose for a picture with the cookie. Only with Daddy holding her would she glance up at me.
We are excited, and I know most of you have already heard the news on facebook, but I had to blog about it too.


Anonymous said...

so very excited for you guys! glad we are getting some more boys in the family! lol. :)
i love the cookie idea too, so fun for the kids!

brilin said...

We're so excited, tell Em the girls are winning as far as grandchildren go, we will be 5 girls to 3 boys.
we're exicted,love you all

Niki said...

A BOY! I'm so excited for you...and Brett! :)

M. Harrison said...

We are glad that Brett will get to have a little brother...such fun for him. Hope that the rest of the pregnancy goes great!!

Amanda fair said...

it is soooooo exciting. i know brett has got to being doing flips to have the ranks be even-uped! you look amazing by the way!

Lisa Sanderson said...

Congratulations! I think boys are wonderful. How perfect that you have two and two. I hope myself to have that ratio, but I have a feeling its going to be nothing but boys.

Liz said...

Hurray for equality! Congratulations; hope you are feeling well!

carolee said...

Yay for baby boys!! I'm so glad Brett will get to have a brother. And, a big thank you guys for the yummy, yummy, yummy apples. You guys are too thoughtful. :)