Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Father and Sons Trip

Every year Mike goes on a Father and Sons trip over Labor Day Weekend. He has been doing it since he was young. The nephews have come as they have gotten older and last year Brett went for the first time. He has been looking forward to this trip all year!
This is beautiful Mill Hollow, where they camped and fished. It is gorgeous! Makes me excited to go camping next year.

Mike says Brett is quite the pyromaniac! Great......

Brett collecting sticks to throw into the fire.

About ready to go to sleep in the tent. I didn't know he packed his pillows that Grandma made him. He loves to sleep with them.
The only picture of Mike on the trip! I am so glad that he took Brett camping, I am sure it was a lot of work, but Brett loved it and can't stop talking about all the fun he had.

Cute little man fishing! Mike said his favorite part was casting and then reeling in. He wasn't very patient with the holding the pole and waiting. Amazingly he actually caught a fish!
Grandpa, Tyler, Scott and Austin were at the camp too.

And of course, there was Football!

Brett trying to tackle Austin. They all had such a fun time. Brett asked me when he got home if Liam had fun being with all the girls. I told him he did. Then Brett said to Liam, "Sorry you had to stay with the girls; but next year you can come with us!" Somehow I think it will be a few more years than that. But, I am sure he will be going before I know it.


Anonymous said...

that is such a fun tradition to have! i bet brett was in heaven, especially with the fire lol!
poor liam having to be home with the girls! lol

3 of us said...

How fun Nathan and Mark need to do a father and son outing some time.

Lisa Sanderson said...

That football is bigger than Brett is! Liam likes fire a lot too. I have to hide the matches. Hopefully Brett will keep his incendiary insticts limited to camp fires! I love it.

Niki said...

What an awesome tradition!

NeelsluvsU2! said...

Spending time with Brett is a very cherished part of my life! How blessed I am to be his dad. Heavenly Father blessed me with one of the most amazing children in existence! My heart aches when I'm away from him. Mike

cassy said...

How fun!! I hope to some day have a boy that Stu can have some fun with!! I bet Brett was in heaven, just him,daddy and th boys!!