Friday, January 14, 2011

Fun in the Snow

During the Christmas break Grandma came over with my sister Jenny's kids Alex and Haylie and we went tubing!

Haylie, so cute in pink!
Emma was so excited to go sledding. We haven't done it much in the past and the kids thought it was so fun!

Alex played for a bit, and then decided it was too cold and not very fun. He opted to sit in Grandma's car and watch. I told him he could watch from the house, but I think he figured when Grandma left he would be sure to go with her if he was waiting for her in the car. :)

Haylie and Emily loved going down the hill together. I love watching these two together, I hope they will always be friends.

Savannah would just giggle every time they would go down. Brett is wearing purple snow pants, he was mortified when his old black ones didn't fit and he had to wear Emily's old ones. He kept telling me, "I hope nobody sees me!". And me, being the loving mother I am post it on the blog for the world to see, lol.
Liam all snugly warm in his snow suit, happy to be in Grandma's arms.

I love this picture. Brett is such a good big brother to Savannah.

That night when Mike came home Em and Brett went tubing some more! Even Dad did it! Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture. Just some video footage. One day I will figure out how to put video on the blog.

Afterward we all had some hot cocoa and got in jammies, what a great way to end a fun winter day.


Ashley Ziegler said...

I love that picture of Brett and Savannah!! :) Looks like they had fun, but very cold!

Anonymous said...

thanks for having the kids over! that is so funny of alex haha!
looks like they had fun, thats so nice you can go sledding at your own house!
poor brett having to wear purple snow pants haha!

Delahunty Family said...

Looks like fun, cute pictures!

Lisa Sanderson said...

Let Brett know that he color coordinated beautifully with Savannah. Besides if guys got away with pink shirts in the eighties why not lavendar snow pants? Looks like a blast! Liam in that snow suit is super adorable.

Berry said...

I love your pictures, looks like tons of fun. I got a good laugh of Brett's purple pants, I love it! Hey - I want one of those Perry's!!! I'll be a good girl!! Did Santa bring them??

Dusty And Mandi said...

Way cute pics! All the kids are getting so big! And that's funny about Bretts Pants!

brilin said...

it was so much fun, laughing and playing in the snow with such cute kids