Sunday, July 15, 2012

Disneyland May 2012!

Mike and I planned a trip to Disneyland and went in May.  It was such a fun trip and we loved it!  We planned the trip over a year in advance and surprised the kids the day of the trip.  They were so excited, and we captured their surprise on video.  It was a blast and when I sat down to post a blog post I couldn't limit it to a few pics, so here are a ton :)

The first day at the park we went to Bippidi Boppidi Boutique and had Emily, Brett and Savannah made over.  
Brett played the part of a Knight well, he loved the shield and the sword.  He swore to protect his family.  Savannah was a little apprehensive at first but quickly fell in love with getting doted upon. Emily had a huge smile the whole time.  We bought all their outfits before we went to the park and surprised them with it at the condo that morning.  Emily was her favorite princess since she was little, Snow White.  Savannah was Rupunzel and Brett was a Knight.  The whole experience at the Boutique was magical and fun, we loved it!
Beautiful Emily.  She is growing up way to fast....One of the main reasons we decided to do the Bippidi Boppidi Boutique was that Emily will probably be too old for it next time we visit in 3-4 years.  This was the last time she would be excited to walk around as a princess.
Such a beautiful little princess!  Savannah loved all the attention she got dressed up in her beautiful gown and hair piled high.  She even walked and acted like a princess the whole day.  She still talks about it, I love how Disneyland is so magical to kids and even to me, seeing my kids experience it was priceless.
Everyone tried to pull the sword from the stone, no luck!  Lots of cute pictures of them trying to though.
Since the girls and Brett looked to beautiful and handsome we went to Ariel's Grotto for lunch.  We got to meet all of the princesses!  The girls absolutely loved it and Brett enjoyed seeing all the pretty princesses too ;).
Here we are on the Ferris Wheel at California Adventure.  It had a track the individual cars would go on and the car would swing back and forth.  This is right before it started to swing and right before Liam started to yell in  I was laughing and trying to comfort him at the same time.
Here is Mike and Liam on the train.  Aren't they both adorable?  :)
We went to Minnie's Plaza for Breakfast on Brett's Birthday.  It was so fun to spend his 7th Birthday in Disneyland.  The poor guy got a horrible ear infection and we spent the early part of the morning in an InstaCare.  Luckily they hurried us right through when they heard it was his Birthday and that we had big plans for us.  Here is Captain Hook tying to steal away Brett's Birthday cake.

I loved the Character Breakfast!  We got to meet a ton of characters who spent a lot of time with us and we got some cute pics.  The food was pretty good too!
Fairy Godmother was so sweet, the kids loved her.

Liam taking a little snooze, the poor little guy had to fit some sleep in amid all the fun.

We missed the parade last time we went to Disneyland and made sure we saw it this trip.  It was great!  We got to see so many characters and they made it a huge party with all the music and fun.

One of the days we drove down to San Diego.  We spent quite a while at the San Diego Temple which is absolutely gorgeous.  I am so lucky to have these guys, so happy we can spend a lifetime and more together.  Later we went to Old town for some delicious Mexican food and looked around.  We also went to the beach.

Savannah is always wanting me to call her Rapunzel, a lot of times she won't even answer to Savannah!  She was pretty excited to get a Rapunzel towel.

Liam was a maniac on the beach!  He would run right into the wave and want to keep on going!  I think he was a little annoyed with his mom who constantly was pulling him back to the shore.  We all had fun running in the waves.  I love the ocean.
 Love this picture, my little jailbirds :)  The Rider switch pass was awesome.  Mike would usually go with Emily, Brett and Savannah then give me the pass and I could take one of them with me.  We were able to go on so many more rides doing this.

 Emily was so freaked out to go on California Screamin.  She cried the whole time in line and then at the end of it said she loved it, so did Brett.  Savannah was the huge dare devil of the family and was so upset that she was too short to go on it.  It was crazy the rides Savannah loved!  Her favorite was Splash Mountain and even Tower of Terror!
 Waiting to see World of Colors.  I highly recommend this show, it was spectacular!  The kids loved it,  and we got soaked!

 I was so impressed with how cool the lines were in a lot of the rides.  This is Indiana Jones, it wasn't too bad waiting in line!  All in all we had really short lines, May was a busier month than we thought it would be but not too bad.
 Brett was lucky enough to be chosen as a Jedi trainee and the Jedi Training camp.  He was so excited when they handed him a light saber.

 It was so awesome to see Darth Vader, with the music and his cool voice.  Brett, however, was much more excited about Darth Mal.

 He was thrilled that he was able to fight him.  He told me after though that he wished they would let him really try and fight instead of do what they trained him to do.  Then he really could have defeated him!
 I was told by some people that we were crazy to take our 2 year old to Disneyland.  We were told that he would probably be grumpy and it would be hard for the older kids to do everything.  This was seriously how Liam looked 99% of the time.  He was so happy and loved every minute.

 We loved Bugs Land!  We went to the theater together and laughed as Liam got pretty concerned about all the 3D bugs flying at him when he had his glasses on.  I think we watched him more than the show!

 On our way to the airport at Long Beach we stopped at Newport Beach, played on the playground, saw some dolphins, and said goodbye to the Ocean.  I love that Mike climbed to the top of this with the kids.

 When Savannah was 15 months old we visited California and that is when she had a series of seizures that began her diagnosis of epileptic.  This is the beach we visited right before we left last time.  It was much happier this trip, so happy she is doing so well.
 Love these two!
Love this guy, my baby is quickly becoming a toddler!
Whew!  If you made it through all the pics, congrats!  This is Savannah fast asleep on the way home.  Our flight was delayed 2 hours so by the time we made it back to our house it was past midnight.  We had a great time and loved our vacation in California.


Ashley Ziegler said...

That ferris wheel in california adventures was the scariest ride of my entire life!!!! I think I was like... 7 or 8 when I went... I hated it...

But I'm glad you guys had fun!

Lisa Sanderson said...

So jealous! It looks like so much fun. Ian was sitting on my lap while I was reading your blog and every picture he pointed out to me all the different disney characters he knew. I've got to get my kids there.

Foust Family said...

I can feel the magic just looking at yours pictures!!! I'm glad you guys had such an awesome trip! It's helping me get more excited for our trip! So jealous Brett got to do the Jedi training! I think that would be so fun! So happy this trip had a happy ending for you!

Our Family said...

Looks like so much fun and made me even more excited for our trip in Nov. We have always done Goofy's Kitchen when we go and love that too. Looks like such a fun vacation!!!!

Anonymous said...

how fun!!! i love the bibbidi boutique! what a fun idea! the girls looked gorgeous! i bet brett was in love with all the princesses at the breakfast! and sweet liam, i love his big smiles!

Dusty And Mandi said...

It looks like so much fun! I love all the pictures, it makes me want to take my girls.

Mike said...

Without a doubt, this is the best vacation I've been on in my entire life. At the end of July I'm still trying to get over the post-vacation blues... so blessed to have been able to go on this trip with my best friends!