Saturday, December 12, 2009

Setting up the Christmas Tree

First of all, I can't believe how far behind I am in blogging! It seems crazy that there are only 12 more days until Christmas!
We were able to get our trees on my Birthday, thanks to my friend Bobbi for working my shift at work :) We have two trees, one upstairs and one downstairs. I will have to show some pics later. When we went to the tree lot to get our trees, we realized that we had forgotten our camera! So, here are some pictures of us decorating.

Brett had so much fun this year, although we had to keep reminding him that there are other branches on the tree beside one that needed decorating.

Emily kept trying to find the perfect spot for each ornament.
When we brought the tree into the Living Room Savannah looked both surprised and confused, she wasn't sure what we were thinking with our new decorating idea! Once the tree had lights on it though, she got excited. Now every morning we have to walk past the tree. She will tell me it is "preeee (pretty)" and give me a hug and a kiss. We are getting excited for Christmas!


Berry said...

I love it! You have such a beautiful family. Time goes by so fast. Even though it's going fast, this time of year is nice.

Our Family said...

I love the age when all the ornaments should go on one branch. I laughed as I read that because that has definitely happened here :)

Anonymous said...

its so funny that they like to only decorate one branch! lol. that is too cute of banna, im sure she was like, what are they thinking? a tree in our house?

Lisa Sanderson said...

My kids have set a new record and broken three ornaments in the last two days. Hurray for cheap Christmas ornaments! Love the pics!