Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Liam gets a haircut

Liam's hair is quite long on top. Here is a pic of his hair spiked up right before she snipped his cute little baby hair away.

He was so sweet and sat so still while she was cutting his hair. The second she would stop he would start jumping up and down in the car chair and beeping the horn. He loved it!

All done and super cute!


brilin said...

so cute, he's getting so big!!

Lisa Sanderson said...

I love that Cookie cutters! I used to take my boys there for every hair cut. It's one of the utah things I miss. Liam is so cute. I always think the first hair cut is so exciting. The place we take the boys now gives them suckers first. I always throw up a little in my mouth as my boys devour hair coated suckers...

Delahunty Family said...

So cute! He is getting so big, I can't believe heis almost 1!

Mike said...

He is the happiest baby I have ever met. But he's also so huge and strong! Of course I'm hoping we see him playing up at RES in about 17 years! I love my baby-baby sweet and tasty!