Sunday, August 26, 2012


 Call us crazy but the end of May when my mom gave a a coop from a coworker we decided to get backyard chickens.  It has been an adventure to say the least!  Mike and I went to IFA and picked our four chicks, one for each of the kids.  Hard to believe they were ever small enough to fit all 4 of them in this tiny box!
 Here is Brett with the chickens.  He loves them.  Every day the first thing he wants to do is get them our of the coop.  He still carries them around like they are chicks even though they are pretty big now.  Needless to say, our chickens are pretty used to humans, especially kids.
 This is Ginger, she is a Rhode Island Red and is Liam's chicken.  She is beautiful and really easy going. 
 Here is Pearl, short for "The Black Pearl".  If you couldn't guess this is Brett's chicken and he named her after the ship on Pirates of the Caribbean.  He used to put her on his shoulder and walk around like a pirate.  I think he is the only pirate to have a chicken as his pet ;).  Pearl is a Barred Plymouth Rock Chicken. 
 This is Chikkita, or Kita for short.  Her name means little girl is Spanish.  She is Savannah's chicken.  She is a Buff Orpington chicken.  Savannah will carry her everywhere, even now.  The other day I was doing the laundry and Savannah brought her inside and was trying to put her in some dress up clothes, lol.
 This is Emma's chicken, Rosie.  Rosie is a Golden Laced Wyannotte.  Rosie was the smallest when we got her but soon became the head chicken making sure the others kept in line.  She was always watching out for the others.  One day on Mike was getting ready for work when he heard a strange noise, when he heard it again he went outside.  Sure enough, there was Rosie......or should we say Rocky crowing to her hearts delight.  This was heartbreaking news for all of us (especially Emily) since we cannot have a rooster in Bountiful.  Luckily our wonderful neighbors took him to their farm in Heber.  We hear he is doing wonderful.  Mike couldn't bear to see his little girl so sad and bought her a new chick, more to come on that later.

We love our chickens and are looking forward to them laying eggs, probably sometime in October.


Lisa Sanderson said...

I am so jealous! I have always wanted to do chickens, but it is not allowed on military housing.

Anonymous said...

they are so cute!~ i cant believe how big they are now! and poor emma, of course it would happen to her chick! i can just see sav dressing her chick up! haha!

Mike said...

I love my little ladies! I was so sad to let Rocky go but it was for the best. I'm excited for the eggs to start coming...