Friday, August 29, 2008

What's for dinner?

I decided that every once in while I am going to post a recipe. Either one of my old favorites or a new one. I really do like to cook and thought it would be fun to share! This is a pizza recipe that I grew up with, one my mom used to always make. You may be asking, "why make pizza when you can get one at Little Caesars for 5 bucks?" Because, truly it is so easy, the kids love to help and it is ten times better than any take out! Here is the recipe if any of you guys are interested in giving it a shot!
1 cup warm water
1 tsp sugar
1 Tbsp yeast
2 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp oil (olive oil if possible)
Mix sugar with water, then sprinkle yeast over the top. Let soften about 3 minutes. Then add salt, flour and oil. Knead for 8 minutes. Or, just let the Kitchen aid run on low for about 5 minutes. For thick crust, let dough rest for 10 minutes. For regular crust spread a little oil on pizza pan and press to the edges. I use a stone pizza pan but any pan will work. You can also sprinkle cornmeal on the bottom of the pan for an extra yummy taste! Press the dough out to the edges and then add the toppings. I like Contandina pizza sauce, and mozzarella. This time we added pepperoni, canadian bacon, green peppers and olives. Add whatever toppings you like! Bake at 400 degrees until bottom of dough is light brown. 15 to 20 minutes. Enjoy! Oh, and sorry for the super corny song.....I couldn't resist! The kids love dancing to it!


Anonymous said...

okay, okay, it really does sound easy. You might have to hold my hand while I do the yeast part though! :)
That pic is mouth watering, yummy!
I'm gonna be looking forward to your recipe posts, so I can get some new ideas!

Dusty And Mandi said...

I was thinking about putting recipes up too! It's such a good idea. The pizza looks delicious.

bottspot said...

Thanks! I'm always in need of a good recipe! Especially pizza! YUM!!!!

Berry said...

That looks so yummy!! My mouth is watering! Thanks for sharing.

NeelsluvsU2! said...

Jody's pizza is the best home-made pizza I've ever had... and she keeps improving it each time she makes it! It's absolutely way better than most of those cheap and crappy places like Little Ceasars, 5 Buck Pizza, or Papa Murphy's. Probably the only pizza I like more than Jody's is Domino's (but only the specialty deep dish crust
with deluxe toppings). Her crust is better than their other crappy crusts! Jody is my favorite cook and it wasn't that way when we got married. She used to be behind my mom, Cheryl, Shauna, and myself. She is a natural and she isn't affraid to try something new. So, what I'm trying to say is I'm lucky to have a wife who is such an awesome cook and is also very HOT! Mike

Anonymous said...

I love this Jody! Thank you for posting the recipe. We tried it for dinner a couple nights ago and it was delicious! Keep 'em comin! Oh and So Happy Birthday to Emma!

Dallas Ingles