Monday, January 26, 2009


Savannah has had a plugged tear duct since she was 5 weeks old. It is constantly sealed shut in the morning, has tearing and is red. We saw the ophthalmologist on Friday and he said she needs to have surgery on it. With it being this severe, and her being one, the chances are really slim that she will outgrow this. I was just surprised they could get her into surgery so soon! She will have the procedure done on Thursday. I am a little nervous because she has to be "put under" for it, but it is a simple surgery and will only last approximately 15 minutes. Being at Primary's I was just so grateful that this is the surgery she will be getting. Things could be so much worse. Wish us luck!


carolee said...

Poor kiddo and poor mama! I remember how much I worried about Danika being put under for her ear tubes. I hope everything goes well. If you need help with your kids when you take Savannah in, let me know!

Mikala said...

Is she a year now? Usually they can just do the procedure in the least they did Kai's when he was 9 months old. They told me it's after they turn one that they have to put them out. It wasn't that bad and his eye did sooooo much better...the skin healed and stopped breaking down. Good luck though!

Dusty And Mandi said...

Poor baby! Good luck, let me know how it goes.

Anonymous said...

Poor banna! I'm sure everything will go great. But its still so hard to have your baby be put under. good luck. We will be thinking of you guys!

cassy said...

Poor lil girl. I'm sorry she has to get surgery. I can only imagine how nervouse you are. Good luck and keep us updated! We will keep her in our prayers

Stacey said...

Surgery does not sound like fun at all, but I'm sure things will go well. Good luck!

Andrea & Larry Pillsbury said...

Good Luck! We will keep you in our prayers.

Delahunty Family said...

Poor girl! It will be good once it is all over and she won't have any more problems with it! Godd Luck let us n=know how it goes and we will be praying for her!

bottspot said...

So sorry! Hope all goes well.

Oblad girl said...

I'm sorry your baby has to have surgery! Best of luck, and keep us updated...

Berry said...

Poor Savannah!!! I hope that everything goes well. Let me know if I can help in any way. We'll keep you in our prayers. Love ya!

3 of us said...

Poor baby and you jody I hope that every thing goes well for you both good luck and let me know how she does I will be praying for you both if you need any thing please let me know
Love you guys