Wednesday, July 28, 2010

24th of July

This is the morning of the 23rd, right before Mike took the kids to the park. Liam either ate or slept all day so he stayed home with mom. Savannah loves her little brother and is constantly begging to hold him.
Savannah and Brett went on the swing ride and had a blast!

Emily went on the twirly ride with Haylie and Alex.
Mike, got his face decorated too! He said the kids were begging him to do it, and he let them choose what to put on his face. Somehow, I don't think the kids had to do much convincing. :)

Brett chose a Dragon!
And Emily got a beautiful flower. Savannah didn't want her face painted. Every year we let the kids get a painting on their face, and every year there are tears when they have to wash it off. They wish they could keep it on longer.

Mike took the kids to the Bountiful Fireworks that night with my parents and sisters.

Savannah loves her Papa.

Cute picture of my mom and Brett. My dad brought glow sticks and the kids had fun playing with them.I love this picture of Haylie!
Happy 24th of July! I hope everyone had a great one!


Anonymous said...

it was a fun day! haylie and emma had so much fun together!
ps. i stole some pics for my blog. :)

Lisa Sanderson said...

Those are some pretty fantastic face paintings! I'm with Liam, I'd like to sleep and eat all day! Looks like so much fun. I missed all the big Pioneer Day celebrations this year, apparently they don't celebrate Pioneer Day in Virginia...

brilin said...

it was so fun, every time I looked at Mike, though I was startled, just couldn't get used to him.