Thursday, October 9, 2008

Chicken Noodle Soup

One of my favorite things about the fall weather, is that the chill in the air means it is soup season! I love making soup, and I have a lot of really good recipes. I had book club at my house tonight and thought I would make it since Autumn is here (YAY!) Of course, I had to make some rolls to go along with it. Soup with rolls are some of the best comfort foods. Here is my recipe.
Creamy Chicken Noodle Soup
(This makes a ton ~ and I usually half the recipe)
6 chicken breasts, or 1 whole chicken
4 celery stalks
1 onion
5 chicken bouillon cubes
3 cans cream of chicken soup
6-8 carrots cut up or shredded (I do both for variety)
2 pkg Grandma's Frozen noodles ( find them in the freezer section of the store)
Boil chicken, cut up celery and onion, and bouillon cubes until tender ( a couple of hours) in large pot with 8 quarts of water. Remove chicken from pot when it is tender. Add carrots and Grandma's noodles to pot; cook until tender, about 20 minutes. While noodles are cooking, debone and shred chicken. Add chicken and creamed soups, mix well.


Anonymous said...

Look at you already posting this! Seriously, this is the best soup ever! It was so yummy! Tonight was fun! Thank you!

Dusty And Mandi said...

Looks yummy! I love soup season too. Ha ha.

NeelsluvsU2! said...

Jody makes several soups that are better than any restaurant or home-maker! Her rolls are to die for. If she were an Italian woman who wanted to beef up her "little skinny husband" she could double my weight in a year if she made rolls every day! Mike