Saturday, October 11, 2008

"I tag"

I: was tagged by Bobbi
I am: grateful for my family
I think: and stress about things I have no control over....all the time!
I know: that I can tend to be a stress case at times!
I want: to be able to sleep in until 9:00 am, or even 8:00.
I have: 3 kids, which keep me busy!
I dislike: laundry. When you finally finish it there is another pile to get started on.
I miss: some of my friends from college ~ wish we were better at keeping in touch.
I fear: that I am too hard on my kids sometimes, or that I am ruining them.
I feel: like I am getting old; I am going to be 30 next month!
I hear: the Florida and LSU football game in the background, hence the reason I am blogging on a Saturday night!
I smell: the Peppermint Ice cream I am snacking on.
I crave: Hot Fudge to go on top of my Peppermint Ice cream; but I gave Chocolate up on October 1st, since we can't have a healthy relationship ~ it's all or nothing!
I cry: seldom; unless I am pregnant. I will cry during corny commercials!
I usually: am patient.........unless it is dinner time and my 3 year old is having a tantrum!
I search: for my keys constantly, I can never seem to keep track of them!
I wonder: about the future, and especially about my children's future in this crazy world.
I regret: eating too much Peppermint Ice cream....Oh well!
I love: reading, I wish I just had more time to do so.
I care: about what others think of me; and I wish I didn't.
I always: wish time wouldn't go by so quickly! My little kids are growing up so fast!
I worry: as previously mentioned; pretty much all the time!
I am not: the size 2 I was when I got married
I remember: when Mike and I first met, I can't believe it has been 9 years!
I am sick of: hearing McCain and Obama debate and discredit each other! I look forward to the election being over!
I sing: horribly, unless you are asking one of my kids. They love to have me sing to them before naps.
I don't always: enjoy the moment.
I write: when I blog and I wish that I was a more creative writer.
I win: I used to be really good at the card game "War" or "Speed".
I lose: when I don't exercise. I am happier when I do.
I wish: I had the talent of falling asleep quickly at night; I am a very light sleeper
I listen: when someone needs me. I think I am a great listener, even if I don't always have advice to give.
I can usually be found: with a baby on my hip and two other kids between my legs while I am trying to get things done.
I am happy: with my life. I am lucky to have Mike, Emily, Brett and Savannah in it. I couldn't ever ask for more.
I tag: Mandi, Cassy, and Sheri.


Amanda fair said...

You are not just a great listener but a fabulous one at that! I always feel like you care about what i have to say when i rammble on like I do. And i always feel better after talking with you. You are a amazing Jody!

fordfamily said...

Thy Halloween party was cute! You guys are so creative. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who worries, has neuroses, fears, but I think it's part of this incredible experience called being human. I am sooo grateful to have found a kindred spirit and a great friend in you!

bobbi said...

Thanks Jody! I lose my keys, too. Several times a day. You would think I would learn to put them up somewhere!

Megan Hauze said...

Thanks for the Poll idea, it is up and running now, go cast your vote!

Berry said...

Isn't Peppermint Ice Cream evil? I can't stop eating it lately. I loved reading your answers - look for mine on my blog! Sheri

Dusty And Mandi said...

I just did mine; so you'll have to check it out! It was fun reading your answers; and now I want peppermint icecream...

NeelsluvsU2! said...

I eat icecream, chocolate, and everything else and I don't regret it! I am so blessed to have Jody! I couldn't ask for a better friend! Mike

Anonymous said...

I love reading these, and get to know things about you I didn't know! And some I totally know and can laugh at like you losing your keys all the time!:)
And you seriously are the best listener ever! I don't know how I would make it through life without you being there for me! Thanks!
Lots of Loves!