Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Brett's First Day of Preschool

Brett started his second year of Preschool today! He was so excited to go, and has been asking every day if it is going to be the day he can go. He had a hard time understanding why Emily was going and he wasn't. When he left this morning he told me, "I am sorry I have to go to school because I am so big. Now you have to be with just Savannah. I'm sorry." He is so cute, and makes me smile every day! Here are his answers to the questions I asked.

What is your favorite color? Red

What is your favorite sport? GO UTES!

What is your favorite thing to do outside? Run and go super super fast on my scooter

What are you most excited to learn at school? Learn 'bout movies

Who are your best friends? Emma, Cy and Matthew

What is your favorite food? Toast

What is your least favorite food? Potatoes....blaaaahhh

What is your favorite animal? A tiger and lion

What do you like to do at home? Play games like Theodore and the marble game

What is your favorite book? The Halloween book

What is your favorite movie? Jack Sparrow!

What is your favorite place to go? go to the park with swings, and going camping and fishing with Daddy.

What is your favorite thing to say? SpiderrrrrrMan!!!!

What do you want to be when you grow up? Uh.......Superman so I can save you mommy!


Dusty And Mandi said...

That's so cute! I love that he wants to be superman to save you. Ha ha

Jessica said...

I love the "Potatoes- blahhhhh" I think it's so sweet that he worries about you so much- I hope I have at least one son and that he's as thoughtful as Brett.

Berry said...

I love this picture of Brett. He looks so grown up and happy! I loved his answers. That's a great idea to do them every year.

brilin said...

I think that would be cool to have a superman grandson, maybe he would save me too

Lisa Sanderson said...

Liam's first day of preschool is tomorrow and he cried all day today because it was a get to know the teacher day and not actually school. I love the Brett is enthusiastic to go to school! When do we lose that?
Go Brett!

Foust Family said...

How cute! I'm glad he is so worried about leaving you alone with Savannah! He is funny!!

Anonymous said...

I had a feeling when I saw the name of the post there would be a photo of brett in a spiderman shirt! lol.

bottspot said...

Too cute! Good thing you have a super hero on your side!

NeelsluvsU2! said...

I love my little man! He is growing up way too fast! He is learning the way of the Ute spirit very well! Mike