Thursday, September 3, 2009

Aaron and Stef's Baby, Cassidy

We were all really surprised 2 days ago when Stef went in for a routine Dr's visit, and ended up being put on bedrest. Stef is my little sister who is due with her first baby on October 9th. This morning I had a call from my mom saying that she was in the hospital and was dilated to a nine! Stef had woken up at 1:30am in pain and decided to go into the hospital, figuring they would just stop her labor. Once she got to St Marks she was dilated to a 3, and they told her that she would be having a baby today! Both she and Aaron were shocked!

Cassidy Jean Delahunty entered the world at 10:14am, she is 6 lbs 12 oz and 17 inches long. She is beautiful with dark curly hair, and a round face. She looks just like Stef did when she was born, except Stefanie was over 9 pounds! Being a baby born at 35 weeks, she is in the NICU. She is receiving oxygen and was intubated temporarily so they could give her Surfactant to help her breathe easier. She also has an ART line so they can measure her pressures better. The NICU MD assured Stef that she would be running around in no time, and that everything was going very well. He anticipated Cassidy would be in the hospital for about 2 weeks, depending on how well she does. Stef, of course wishes she could just hold her little girl, as we all wish we could. Just keep her, Aaron and little Cassidy in your prayers that she will be strong enough soon. Love you Stef and Aaron, she is such a beautiful little girl!


fordfamily said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with your sister and family. And BTW...your kids are ADORABLE!!

Anonymous said...

she is such a sweet baby! :)

Berry said...

Wow! What a sweet baby! I hope that things continue to go better and we will keep them in our prayers. I'm excited for your sister to have her first baby.

NeelsluvsU2! said...

Life has been crazy and I look forward to meeting her as soon as God permits! Mike