Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Since I have recently done an update on Emily and Brett for school, I thought I should do a post on Savannah! She is almost 21 months old, I can't believe how fast time has gone by and my baby is growing up! She is so independent, she will not let me help her with anything, she has to do it herself. I think it is because she has two older siblings to look up to and figures; if they can do it so can I! We go to the park at least once a week and when Emily and Brett were little I would follow them around on all of the park equipment. If I try that with Savannah she just turns around, looks at me and tells me, "Don't!" That is her favorite word and she says it all the time, usually it is directed to Brett. Her favorite think to eat in the whole world are Ritz crackers. I think she keeps their company in business! She will point to where I keep them and say, " Mama, Cwacka". She loves to be held, give hugs and kisses and especially have Daddy sing to her at night. I work a lot in the evenings so Mike is the one who puts her to bed. He picks her up, she lays her head on his shoulder and while he pats her back he sings "Savannah Smiles" from the movie with the same name. She loves it! If I am home to put her to bed she won't let me, she wants her Daddy. We are so lucky to have her in our family and I am so grateful for her strong willed personality and stubborn ways, along with her sweet smile. Love ya Sweetie!
P.S. I went onto my music list to see if the song Savannah Smiles was on it, the version we know wasn't. But I found this song. It is really good too! So, turn on your music and have a listen!


bottspot said...

She is getting soooooo big! She is starting to look like a little girl and not a baby! Crazy how time flies!

Dusty And Mandi said...

She is so cute! I can't believe she's almost two.

Jessica said...

That's so cute... I remember my dad used to play "Jessica's Theme" from "the man from snowy river" on the piano. I thought it was my song- I loved it to death. :D

brilin said...

She is such a cutie, I wonder if birth order--3rd child--has something to do with being stubborn, she reminds me a lot of Stef. I love hearing her talk, she still seems to me she should be a baby, but she is growing up.

Foust Family said...

She is so big! She is darling! I love the independence!

NeelsluvsU2! said...

Oh I am so thankful for my little 'Tweety Pie! She is such a blessing in my life! I'm so grateful she is happy and healthy after the scare in April. I try to make each day count with her and my other kids. Thomas S. Monson said "Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved." That's how I try to live my life... especially after April. If there are weeds in the yard or other house projects left undone, I am okay with it as long as my children feel daddy loves them and knows they are more important than anything this world can offer. This goes for Jody as well though I could do better at showing her. Yes, Jody and our kids are even more important than the Utes and college football... there is no comparison! I thank God for sending Savannah to us and entrusting her care to this goofy dad. Mike

Berry said...

What a sweet picture of Savannah! I'm so glad that she is doing well. I had so much fun with her last time I was over to your house. I love the song that you found!

Anonymous said...

she is so cute! very independent though indeed! i LOVE that song and the movie!