Sunday, May 29, 2011

Liam will turn 11 months old this week and if I could choose one word to describe him, it would be busy! This boy is constantly on the go! I spend most of my day chasing after him, making sure that he can't get into anything that he shouldn't. As you can see, he LOVES to play with toilet paper. If any of the bathroom doors are left open, even for a second, Liam is in there unrolling the TP. He has also gone into the storage room and thrown cat food everywhere, pulled down books from shelves, taken off all the heating vent covers, and taken everything he can off the bottom shelf in the pantry. While I am attempting to clean up the mess he just made, he is making another or booking it up the stairs! He is my sweet little wave of destruction right now :). Isn't he adorable? Even when he is doing all this stuff I can't help but to smile, I love him. Can't believe in another month my sweet baby will be one!


Foust Family said...

Oh boy!!! I LOVE his smile! And now he took his first steps?! You are in even more trouble! The cuteness factor definitely makes the trouble-making a little better!

Ashley Ziegler said...

I can't believe he is almost a year old. It feels like just yesterday I met you all for the first time at Brett's birthday party last summer!:)He is such a cute boy!!